Jhambo Ink commissioned us to create a special Alice edition combining Alice’s Adventures Under Ground and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Our challenge was to differentiate the two similar stories while presenting them as a cohesive, single-volume book. We chose a dos-à-dos binding to unite the books, making Wonderland feel like a continuation of Under Ground. We collaborated with illustrator Zansky de Zaster developing over 70 original illustrations with a vibrant color palette. Instead of the traditional CMYK process, we used four unique Pantone colors for each book, producing strikingly vivid hues. We also eliminated white space, assigning each chapter a distinct combination of text and background colors that were bold yet legible. For typography, we emphasized Alice’s constant change in scale by customizing the title typeface to stretch and shrink dramatically, complementing Zansky’s illustrations. The body typeface was chosen for its quirky, bold design, ensuring readability against intense color contrasts. Attention to detail was key in production – we worked closely with the printer to perfect every aspect, from the woven ribbon, special binding and playing cards to the custom bookcase.
Creative Direction & Design
Ana Santiago
Zansky de Zaster
Print Production Management
Aline Valli
Luciane Said
Mario Santin Frugiuele
Gráfica Maiadouro